The founder of M/s Maruti Enterprises formed a new business model to expand its operation.
New Company formed in the name of M/S Mahkam poorviauM Holdings Pvt Ltd, shortly called as M2M – a holding company of its vertical’s.
M/s Mahkam poorviauM Control System Pvt. Ltd, has been formed as a vertical under M2M for catering projects that are service oriented.
M/s Maruti Enterprises was serving in the field of electrical concepts and execution of various projects since 1990.
Mission & Vision
To give the clients an innovative solution based on their requirement with quality and aesthetics of world class.
The main idea of Integration of our vast experiences and forming this company is to achieve major share with more M & As.
Safety Standards
In-house safety Engineer looks after the safety requirements of the field staff with necessary protective gadgets and also been trained to safeguard mutually. The safety also covers the statutory requirements laid by Govt. of India.
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance in M2M starts from the brain storming sessions with field staff by understanding field difficulties and instant solutions is arrived to take care of quality and aesthetics of the workmanship. Right and precise gadgets are utilized in every step in the execution of projects to achieve precision in quality. Periodical self-appraisal questionnaire technique is used by each field staff and the precision of quality is ascertained with the certification from client itself.
Mahkam poorviauM Holdings Pvt Ltd, a Mahkam Poorviaum group company